Dato Sivalingam Karrupiah announced yesterday that the restaurant operated by his wife and son in an illegal structure erected on his land will be closed pending the approval of the building plan.
Dato Sivalingam might accuse me, as he did yesterday, of having political motive in exposing that he had allowed an illegal structure erected on his land to run a restaurant but the indisputable fact remains that that is an illegal structure and he has no choice but to close the business until he obtains the building plan approval from the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA).
Did I have a political motive? Yes , of course. For every case of corruption, malpractice and abuse of power perpetrated by any leaders of the ruling party, I, being an elected representative entrusted by the people, am duty bound to bring it to the knowledge of the people. I am duty bound to tell the truth that the leaders of the ruling party are corrupt, decadent and untrusworthy when I have the proof and to tell the people that they have elected the wrong representatives to run the country.
This is the rule of the game in the political system. It is only right that I have political motive. It will be disastrous if I have commercial motive, financial motive or any other motive for personal gain and not political motive.
Leaders of the Barisan Nasional, including Dato Sivalingam, have to wake up and realize that they can no longer fool the people by using phrases like 'political motive' to cover up their wrongdoing.
Sivalingam is caught red-handed. He has admitted to it. Bingo!
I am so glad that there are such brave and conscientious people like you still around, YB. You give us hope that this country still has a chance to succeed.
Way to go ! Dig out somemore !
Dear Y.B. Teng,
Keep up the good work! We need people like you to set the whole "system" in "Equilibrium".
Please help shut down ALL ILLEGAL restaurants, Satay House, houses, factories, etc.
Keep up the good work Mr. Teng.
it's unfair for zakaria. our mac yb in banting built houses without mdkl approval also no action taken.
pls check on mca yb in banting house
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