Thursday, July 20, 2006

UPM campus politics may turn racial

I viewed with despair a video clip by Merdekareview purportedly depicting the harrassment and violence inflicted by a group of Malay students on a few Chinese students in the 12th hostel of Universiti Putra Malaysia, the university that drew a controversy over the past few days for its ethnic relations testbook which was eventually directed to be withdrawn by the cabinet.
The incident had been published by the local Chinese press but little seemed to have been done by the relevant authorities. It was alleged that one of the assistant vice-chancellors of the university was behind the scene.
The authorities must act swiftly to resolve the matter before it turns racial.
(Photographs with courtesy of Merdekareview)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A disgrace to the world of academia. What happen to the moral education they received in 11 years of their primary + highschool?