Ng Sue Lim, DAP Selangor State Assemblyman for Sekinchan, and I held a demonstration in front of "Istana Zakaria" on Oct 28. Joining us were Dato Dr Hassan Ali, Vice President of PAS, Dr Shafie Abu Bakar, former PAS Selangor State Assemblyman for Kajang (1999-2004), party members and local residents in Kampung Idaman and Pandamaran.
Although there were attempts to disrupt the gathering with noises and complaints of traffic jam, the supporters of Dato Zakaria Deros kept their cool and the event was peacefully conducted (Malaysiakini Oct 28).
Before Oct 28, we also held a demonstration in front of the DZ Satay House owned by Zakaria in protest of the illegal strcture erected on the state land meant for road reserve and the double standard in the enforcement of law where another hakwer stall within a stone throw fron the Satay House building was torn down by the MPK on the ground that the owner did not obtain the permission. Attended by almost 300 local residents, the event was also peaceful held.
However, violence took the center stage on Oct 29 when the DAP Selangor held another demonstration at the same place (Malaysiakini Oct 29).
Was the second demonstration in front of the Istana Zakaria the last straw on the camel's back?