Teng Chang Khim online
I was one of the recipients of the above photograph. The man, apparently wearing a bathrobe, is a Member of Parliament at the lower house (Dewan Rakyat) and the woman in his chest is a Senator. Both are married but not to each other.
The scene seems to be a typical hotel bathroom where a towel rack and a clothes-line box can be seen on the upper left of the photograph.
What could they possibly be doing in the room or bathroom of a hotel in such a romantic atmosphere?
Whatever could it be but in a country where the political leadership emphasizes so much on moral and values based on religion, the two members of Parliament will certainly have to openly justify their close proximity.
They can either admit it or deny it by claiming that the photograph was super-imposed. Whatever. The point is that the public has a right to know since they are political leaders subject to public scrutiny.
Let's give them a chance.
Note: "Bicameral" means a system of government having 2 chambers of Parliament.
“A councillor shall not act in the office of Councillor unless he has made and subscribed before a local authority a declaration of acceptance of office in Form A of the First Schedule hereto and such declaration shall be free from stamp duty.”
“I….. , having been appointed a Councillor of the ….. of ….. declare that I take the said office upon myself and that I will duly and faithfully fulfil the duties thereof according to the best of my judgment and ability.”