( i) to avoid the liability to pay the Federal Government the penalty and damages of RM159.8 million as a result of the delay in the Matrade Building project; and(ii) to dump all debts and losses of the Selangor state GLC into PISB/Tajuk Construction in order to have a clean bill of health for the rest of the Selangor state GLC.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Matrade Building: Khir Toyo's silence deafening
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Matrade Building: Ei should tell who to be blamed
Selangor Opposition Leader Teng Chang Khim said Samy Vellu was “flogging a dead horse” in calling for accountability over the Matrade debacle because a complicated legal web had rendered the main contractor PISB “dead”.
He said PISB was sold off to Tajuk Modal on July 19, 2004, for RM2 – a figure confirmed by Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo.
He said PISB was renamed Tajuk Construction Sdn Bhd on Nov 29, 2004, but due to its “inability to continue business” was wound up on Jan 18 this year.
“Under the law, once a company is wound up, that is the end. One cannot then sue the directors,” he said.
Teng asked if the winding up of PISB/Tajuk Construction was to avoid paying the Federal Government the late delivery charges and other damages.
In the same report, Dato Ei Kim Hock, one of the former directors of PISB, was reported to have said as that :-
“By all means, go after those responsible for the fiasco, but not all the directors are to be blamed because PISB had several sets of directors over the years”
Well, Ei Kim Hock should tell us then who are the directors to be blamed since he knows that not all the directors are to be blamed.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
12 percent hike for electricity tariffs
It's the expected electricity tariffs hike which the government annouced today, as reported by Malaysiakini, as high as 12% from June 1, 2006.
Matrade Building: Samy must demand from KDEB

Under the present principle of our company law, the directors of a company cannot be held liable for the debt incurred by the company. Any attempt to recover the losses and damages from the directors of PISB will end up a futility.
I had queried in this blog, on April 17, April 18 and April 25 2006, the reasons behind the winding-up of PISB soon after it was sold to Tajuk Modal Sdn Bhd, a shell company with a paid-up capital of RM2, and had its name changed thereafter to Tajuk Construction Sdn Bhd.
The KDEB must now explain to the public whether the winding-up of PISB/Tajuk Construction was a major part of a scheme by the Selangor state investment arm:-
( i) to avoid the liability to pay the Federal Government the penalty and damages of RM159.8 million as a result of the delay in the Matrade Building project; andIt’s time for the KDEB headed by Dato Seri Mohd Khir bin Toyo, Selangor Menteri Besar, to give the full explanation.
(ii) to dump all debts and losses of the Selangor state GLC into PISB/Tajuk Construction in order to have a clean bill of health for the rest of the Selangor state GLC.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Sarawak Election: DAP could have won more than 6
Monday, May 22, 2006
Sarawak Election: Arrogance was the cause that tilted the scale
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Back in KL: It's confirmed DAP 6 in Sarawak
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Fresh from Sarawak: Seems to be 4 plus 2 now
The best scenario is 4 plus 2 now, judging from the feedback from all the DAP centres. The first 4 are Meradong (Bintangor, Ting Tze Fui), Bukit Assek (Sibu, Richard wong Ho Leng), Kidurong (Bintulu, Chew Chiu Sing) and Pelawan (Sibu, Dr Ting Chik Ming). The bonuese are Kota Sentosa (Kuching, Chong Chieng Jen) and Pending (Kuching, Violet Yong Wui Wui).
Friday, May 19, 2006
Fresh from Sarawak: Expected 3 plus bonus
If there were bonuses, then Kota Sentosa in Kuching (Chong Chieng Jen) and Pending in Kuching (Violet Yong Wui Wui) seemed to be likely.
For the finale ceramah tonight, the DAP CEC speakers are Lim Guan Eng (in Sarikei, Bintangor and Sibu), Teresa Kok (Sarikei and Bintangor), Lim Kit Siang, Chong Eng and Ronnie Liu (Bintulu), Anthony Loke (Miri), Teng Chang Khim (Sibu) and Nga Kor Ming (Kuching).
Thousands of crowd are expected in all the DAP ceramah.
Fresh from Sarawak: We are almost there
(More to come.)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Fresh from Sarawak: DAP expects victory in Sibu
I met Teresa Kok, DAP MP for Seputeh, who was with me in Miri yesterday, at the Kuching airport. She will be at Kuching today. Chong Eng, DAP MP for Bukit Mertajam, went to the airport with me and left for Bintulu. I met Nga Kor Ming, DAP State Assemblyman for Pantai Remis, Perak, who will speak at Sibu ceramah tonight. Such is the schedule for the DAP leaders from West Malaysia in the Sarawak state election.
Our candidates in Sibu, Richard Wong Ho Leng (Bukit Assek), Ting Chik Ming (Pahlawan) and David Wong (Bawang Assam) seems to be doing well in the campaign. Another candidate in Sibu, Steven Lu (Dudong), is an underdog. Very strangely, the BN does not put up posters for their candidates except for some small billboards. For a very rare occasion, DAP candidates' faces are more prominent in this Hockchew town. Does this reflect the confidence of the respective parties?
I will speak at the Sarikei ceramah to support Kung Chin Chin (32, Master degree holder in IT), DAP candidate for Repok. Her chance seems to be quite optimistic, probably 45:55 against BN. With all the positive factors, she needs to work harder to ensure vitory. Sarikei is about one hour drive from Sibu. I have to leave at 6.00 pm.
Maradong in Bintangor, the hottest seat in this election, constested by the DAP young lady, Ting Tze Fui (24, lawyer), will be visited by the Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Lim Kit Siang, and me tonight. I will be there after Sarikei. The Chief Minister of Sarawak was there yesterday, indicating that the constituency is now blacklisted. The 5-corner fight seems to favour Tze Fui. Just keep our fingers crossed.
Fresh from Sarawak: SUPP feels threatened
To counter the strong campaign of the opposition including the DAP, Keadilan and SNAP, the SUPP has started its dirty tactics of lies, distortion, and threat of public disorder.
People are now reminded by the SUPP leaders of the May 13 tragedy, an old but may be effective trick.
Call by the DAP for automatic renewal of land title to 99 years has been distorted and described as a mission impossible since the DAP would not be in power to do so even if the DAP won all the 12 seats contested.
The SUPP also resorts to threaten the voters that if the SUPP lost even one seat, it would lose its No.2 position in the Sarawak BN government and thereby lose its bargaining power to protect the Chinese interest in the state. It may look like a joke to many but the relatively conservative Chinese community in Sarawak may buy this argument.
The DAP Sarawak state chairman and candidate for Bukit Assek in Sibu, Richard Wong Ho Leng, has predicted that the DAP may win 7 seats and this has been prominently reported in the New Straits Times today.
While I vehemently hope that his prediction will come true, I have my reservation. Experiences in the past elections in Sarawak remind us of the dirty and unscrupulous tactics applied in the last 2 days of campaign, and even on the polling day, will turn the tide.
Be it as it may, this election is certainly the best opportunity for the DAP Sarawak to win more than 3 seats.
Fresh form Sawarak: Kuching voters love DAP ceramah
The DAP candidate for Batu Lintang, Voon Li Shan, who stood against the SUPP Kuching South City Mayor, was the first speaker. A former police officer and now a lawyer by professional, Voon spoke on various local issues.
I touched on the same issues raised in the Miri ceramah. The issues might be the same but the crowd was looking forward to listening to how those similar issues were being articulated by different political leaders. They enjoyed the atmosphere of the rallies, which were rarely held due to the restraint of our draconian laws on public gathering, where they could appreciate the true meaning of freedom of expression.
The sentiment of discontent and frustration against the ruling parties was really strong in the air.
My second ceramah was at Jalan Song near Tabuan Jaya. Chong Chieng Jen, DAP MP for Bandar Kuching and DAP candidate for Kota Sentosa, was addressing to a crowd of about 1,500 people when I arrived. The enthusiastic crowd was even more responsive than the crowd in the first venue. Chong was obviously a popular figure to the Kuching voters.
I spoke for about 1 hour and 15 minutes as the crowd was so attentive that I found it hard to end my speech and disappoint them.
This is my 4th campaign in the Sarawak state election since 1991 and for the first time I feel that the real fight is on.
I will fly to Sibu this afternoon for campaigns in Sibu, Bintangor and Sarikei in the next and last 2 days.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Fresh from Sarawak: DAP Miri lodged police report against BN candidate
Fong Pau Teck, the DAP candidate, lodged the report through his election agent, Hii Tiong Huat, based on the newspaper report that Andy Chia Chu Fatt, BN candidate for Pujut, was present at the ceremony of handing over land titles held in the Sarawak Survey Department office in Miri yesterday and was reported to have given away some of the land titles to the settlers in North Piasau, Miri. A copy of the police report will be handed over to the Election Commission.
Andy Chia had obviously violated the provisions of the election law which prohibits the corrupt practice of vote buying. The Election Commission should take immediate and necessary actions to curb such incident or it will be accused of “closing one eye” to corrupt practice in the election campaigns.
Land has been one of the major subjects in the Sarawak state election. Most of the private lands tenure in Sarawak are 66 years and are due to expire. The uncertainty of renewal and the high renewal premiums have caused worries and anxieties among the locals.
Fresh from Sarawak: Close fight for DAP in Sarawak

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
MP Jasin may be charged under Anti Corruption Act