I have received the invitation to attend the proclamation ceremony to be held at the Grand Lagoon Ballroom, Level 15 of the Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel.

But I am puzzled.
What academic credentials and achievement does Rosmah Mansor have, besides being the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister, to become the chancellor of Unisel, a university owned by Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Selangor (KDEB) which is Selangor state investment arm?
According to the agenda of the ceremony, Selangor Menteri Besar, Khir Toyo, will deliver the appointment speech after the proclamation is made and followed by the acceptance speech by Rosmah Mansor.
I was informed that the Selangor state executive council (Exco) was not informed of the choice of the chancellor and of course did not discuss it although decision had been made and invitation sent out.
If this were to be true, that would mean Khir Toyo, who is also the chairman of KDEB, had approved it without even informing the state exco.
Why is Rosmah Mansor? Is it because she is the wife of the next Prime Minister Malaysia?
How would Rosman's appointment enchance the quality and image of tertairy education in Malaysia? Let's Khir Toyo tell the people.
Questions in the past.
How many percent of Malaysia university lecturer has a PhD?
How many percent of Malaysia university is recognized world wide now?
A new question arised.
How many percent of Malaysia vice chancellor has strong academic & research background or contribute significantly to the academic world???
The criteria for nomination of "Chancellor" is now questionable with the bastion of education which is the basis of a strong country being further eroded.
Najib and Khir Toyo? Hrmph. Khairy is having a little headche
at overseas, university fight for good vice-chancellor to lead the university, whether they have excellent skills in business world or academic world, with high reputation and strong vision. Malaysia on the other hand, chose someone with convenience......
Look at the university ranking from US and China...
There is no need of a academic credential. The title of Najip's wife suffices to make her chancellor.
Look at all the university, do all the chancellor have appropriate academic credntial?
In Boleh land, when there is any academic event prof and doctorate are come after the tan sri, grandparent (datuk) ...
Please think, do we need academic credential?
There is no need of a academic credential. The title of Najip's wife suffices to make her chancellor.
Look at all the university, do all the chancellor have appropriate academic credntial?
In Boleh land, when there is any academic event prof and doctorate are come after the tan sri, grandparent (datuk) ...
Please think, do we need academic credential?
does he control selangor....yes..it is no secret to Kselangor people what he had contributed to selangor state....Highway that has the shortage length and comes with exorbitant cost...rubbishs that were dump in Batang berjuntai but not in Bukit tagar so that his brother can rake in rm45/ton.....
They will only comes in when they can profit from it....nothing else...
building blocks of hostels for Unisel students by renting it to them at RM200/head is big money...that is why they want a piece of it...either small or big....`Sapu Habis'....what typical chinese do?...only talk among ourselves and do nothing....
with response to "unhappy_nation".
Either you're not in academia or you're ignorant. University requires very strong vision and capable vice-chancellor, either research or industrial recognized.
"Look at all the university, do all the chancellor have appropriate academic credntial?"
The answer is YES!!!! Try and the top 20 university without a credential vice-chancellor!
"Please think, do we need academic credential? "
If you want your future generation to live and grow in denial and educational ignorance, you can opt for Tan Sri/Datuk as the vice -chancellor.
No wonder Msia university cannot compete wordly...
In Bolehland, leaders have skins that would stop any anti-tank weapons - they're that thick.
The BN thinks that it can do anything it wants and it did what it want!
Spread the word - dump the BN!
It must not be re-elected again or Bolehland will become No Man's Land.
Found this blog while i was searching for information about Zakaria's news for my assignment.
All in all,i am truly disappointed with how things work here.
one thing I know for sure....I WILL NOT SEND MY CHILDREN TO THat UNIVERSITY!
emm...i think u all just don't know what is her academic achievement..i found that she had further study oversea and had a master..
I give full support to anti rosmah blog. Walaupun blog anda sudah di ban, saya harap anda akan terus menulis. We have the right to voice our opinion.
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