I am quite surprised to read the statement of the Energy, Water and Communication Minister, Dato Seri Lim Keng Yaik as reported in Malaysiakini today that only the DAP is making noise over the issue of electricity tariff hike by 12% from June 1, 2006.
Keng Yaik must have had forgotten the lesson learnt by the Supp in the recent Sarawak state election on May 20, 2006. It was exactly the same arrogance demonstrated by the Supp when dealing with the people's wrath over the inflation ignited mainly by the price hike in petroleum that caused the defeat of the Supp.
Had Keng Yaik annonced the electricty tariff hike before May 20, not only Supp but all other Barisan Nasional component parties would have had lost more than 9 seats as they did. Obviously, Keng Yaik was ignorant about it.
Keng Yaik must have had thought that the general election was still long way from now that it would be safe for him to make fun at the DAP and conveniently ignored the suffering of the people.
He will soon learn his lesson.
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