Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Selangor State Assembly Meeting Schedule

I received a notice from the Selangor State Assembly yesterday on the meeting schedule of the assembly for 2006 as follows:-
(i) First Meeting (Opening) from 14-17 March 2006;
(ii) Second Meeting (Bills and Supply Bills) from 3-5 July 2006;
(iii) Third Meeting (Budget 2007) from 27-30 November 2006.
I had been making numerous calls urging the Speaker, in and outside the assembly meeting, to fix the tentative schedule of the assembly meetings at the beginning of every year so as to enable the assemblymen and the government departments to block the dates and to facilitate the preparation of their annual time-tables. At last, during my suspension, the speaker (or the government) has agreed to adopt my suggestion, of course without giving me any credit for it.

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