Saturday, March 08, 2008

Fresh from Sungai Pinang 13: Polling over, counting on

Unlike the last general election where there was an extension of 2 hours after poll closed at 5.00 pm in all the Selangor polling centres, the polling centres closed at 5 pm sharp today.
No serious incident occured in Selangor today. Polling centres in Sungai Pinang were also calm except that there was a complaint in Sekolah Kebangsaan Rantau Panjang where in one of the streams, the SPR officers asked all the counting agents to stay outside as they wanted to go for prayer. After the counting agents left the classroom, 2 of the officers went inside to switch off the light.
Well, there is no provision in the election rule to allow the SPR officer to close the classroom for prayer. We will reserve our right to lodge an officel complaint.


Malaysian First said...

Congratulation, is very please to hear you success remain your sungai pinang seat! Klang can't develop without you! Maintain your style!

tamkkokkhuen said...


恭喜您再次蝉联SUNGAI PINANG去州议员。我非常的希望您能够被委任为雪州副州務大臣。因为, 以您一连届中选为州议员的资历与经验。您是具备担任此要职的最佳人选。




